The premier destination for Rabbits. Lagos, Southwest Nigeria from 10 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday.

🐰A female rabbit is called a doe.
🐰A male rabbit is called a buck.
🐰A young rabbit is called a kit.
🐰Rabbit meat is all white meat.
🐰Rabbit has 795 calories per pound. Compare: chicken at 810, veal at 840, turkey at 1190, lamb at 1420, beef at 1440 and pork at 2050.
🐰Rabbit has the highest percentage of protein.
🐰Rabbit has a lower percentage of fat than chicken, turkey, beef, or pork with unsaturated fatty acids at 63% of the total fatty acids.
🐰 cholesterol level in rabbit meat is much lower than chicken, turkey, beef, pork.
🐰The rabbit meat is the most nutritious meat known to man.
🐰Research shows that rabbit meat has been recommended for special diets such as for heart disease patients, diets for the elderly, low sodium diets, and weight reduction diets.
🐰Rabbit meat helps stomach disorders.
🐰Rabbit is not a readily found protein and is considered to be the most easily digested meat on the planet and works great for clients with allergies.
🐰Rabbit meat is 99% fat free, and is said to resemble the flavor and texture of free range chicken.
🐰One doe can produce 70-110 lbs. of dressed meat each year.
🐰There are over 50 known breeds of rabbits.
🐰There are over 300 different recipes for rabbit.
🐰Rabbit wool is lighter and warmer than any other animal wool.
🐰After slaughter 93% of the entire carcass is useable.
🐰Only about 7% of the rabbit consists of bone.
🐰Rabbits have no diseases communicable to humans.
🐰Most felt hats are made from rabbit pelts.
🐰Rabbit fur can duplicate 85% of all other furs.
🐰The rabbits foot has been a good luck charm for centuries.
🐰Gardeners will virtually beg for rabbit manure as plant food.
🐰Rabbits are the only edible farm animal able to produce 1,000% of it’s own weight in offspring per year.
🐰They can breed all year round and produce a litter in only one month’s time.
🐰Rabbit manure is almost odor free if kept fairly dry.
🐰Rabbit manure will not burn plants even when applied.